Friday, October 24, 2008

week-ending update

Yipeeeeeeeeeeeee! i won 200 Rs. worth of gift coupon in the tambola for Diwali held in the office today! Now i am eagerly awaiting the next event in November which is Word Power – which should be fun and easy; i would die of wounded pride if i don’t win it –so i can win more coupons and buy myself that recipe book.

It is so fun winning coupons!! One junior told me it is really commendable that i get a prize in almost all the events!

In the elevator yesterday, i noticed that SC, P-da and i wear the same pair of shoes everyday! We agreed that we are very poor people who cannot afford to have more than one pair of shoes – that too scuffed ones! Given my feet size and that i only wear flat shoes – not even the trace of a heel- i can hardly find any shoes i like. Plus it cannot be glittery in any way - it has to be plain and flat! Given my petite size, you would think i would wear heels/platforms but i shun them. Because at the end of the day, when i step down from those things, well, my height would be the same and i don’t want to have back problems later on. i cannot decide whether it is my vanity that makes me think i don’t need any adornment/embellishment. i feel that i look good just the way i am – no make-up, no jewellery. Just me in the skin i was born in. Hell, even my eyebrows are not threaded because i cannot figure out the logic/beauty of having perfectly arched eyebrows! Did i just hear somehow gasping in shock at this revelation?!

i think i am simply not bothered with how i look -well, most of the times. Sometimes i do behave a bit more human and care about how i look! Like when i go for the events – because my photo would be published on the intranet when i win!! Hee hee…

the devil in me

i don’t know how people manage to be so kind and generous all the time or at least make a pretence of it. He is that type – always trying to be nice to everyone. What did we ever see in each other, i wonder? Was it the we-complement each other factor given that we are as different as different can be. Or did we expect to mould the other to our ideas and ideals?

i think i do not have an ounce of niceness in me. The only time i am nice is when i want to be – does that count as niceness? i would never go out of my way to be nice to anyone. In fact, i suspect i go out of my way not to be nice. For me, i come first. Which is what vexes him and pretty much everyone associated with me. My philosophy is simple “ If i am not happy, i can never be able to make anyone else happy.”. Maybe twisted logic but then, i am twisted.

Do i plan to change? No, because i do not see anything wrong in it. My nature is such that if i am unhappy, i just cannot think of anyone else.

Maybe as i ripen (as if i am a papaya!), i might see the other side of the coin and become more human. Or maybe i will become worse with time and age. Pretty much like a spoilt papaya.

Like i say “Bhalo howar jono onek log royeche. Ami baje hote chai” (There are so many people who are good. i want to be bad.). i want to be evil.