Friday, November 17, 2006


i have done it! i have got the flat registered today and now i am the proud owner of a flat. And i did it all by my petite self. i am so proud of meself. We are moving in tomorrow. i have got the electric chimney fitted in the kitchen plus the aqua guard. Will get the washing machine and geyser installed tomorrow.

This has been a tiring but enriching experience for me. Even though i have fretted and fumed at the running around i had to do,to the promoter's office, the bank, to the market to buy curtain rods and bathroom fittings and what nots, i have enjoyed it all.

As all my colleagues say, this is just the beginning. There seems to be no end to the things i need to buy. And that reminds me that i have to buy a calling bell plus
go get the electrician to provide me a point where i can use the microwave. oh hell.

i have started packing some of my things. And i was amazed to see the number of books i have managed to hoard! And my sister's overflowing wardrobe (and she complains about what to wear everytime). Shifting is going to be a big, big headache.

By next week, we should have settled down in the new place. Amen.