C got the books - two haruki. I hope t-da likes them.
I can hardly drag myself out of bed- I work in bed and then read just to get distracted. I was telling t-da I need to get stoned on LSD.. OD and found dead in bed. That sounds like a nice way to snuff out life.
We got paid our bonus - not as much as I would have liked but yeah, enough to make my hands not quiver when
I buy those expensive clay stuffs I am
getting obsessed about. Money. The things we do for it. The things we cannot do for the lack of it.
I have a wad of tissue stuck up my nose as it refuses to stop leaking. If only they sold nose napkin just like sanitary napkin. Maybe a nose tampon. Anything.
And I have this stupid cough which i hope does not end up in an asthma attack. I so don't need one right now. The fever is gone and so is much of the ache.
I realize I am not a very nice person and I have made my peace with it. Maybe the world needs more un-nice peeps like me. I got the word peeps from t-da who I am very happy to say has been promoted!! On that happy note I will drop off to sleep induced by cough syrup. Give me LSD.