Wednesday, May 21, 2008


He is coming over today. His flight must be landing as i type this. i never got around to telling him i care - i saved that boarding pass though. Maybe someday when things become hunky dory 'ween us (and if), i would show it to him to make him realise how silly i am.

i stayed up till around 1 in the night cleaning up the place. Got up again at 6:30 to continue with the beautifying. A place unlived in for around 2 months is no joking matter to spruce up. To add to my joys, the maid decided to play traunt. Why?? Why today of all days?? aaaaaaaaaaaghrhhh...i played the super-efficent woman worried whether i have left out anything. His father is coming along and he has this thing about neatness. i bet the first thing he will do is run his finger along all the surfaces to see if have dusted everything - which i did. To add ghee to the fire, mother dear called me to ask if i have cleaned up the place. i lost it then. i told her i am no-one's maid that i have to clean up this and that. i know, i can be so unfair at times. She knows me too well to be offended by my oh-so-frequent outburts.

Why is it that, just because i happen to be a woman, i am supposed to be good at all household chores? i mean, is it a crime if i am not "home-oriented"? It is as if all my other qualities count for zilch if i am not one of those "sati-savitris" who pander to their men's every wishes. i sound so bitter. That is because i feel bitter right now.

i think i want to stay man-less for some time. Celibacy has its charms too.