Wednesday, September 24, 2008

dream on...

These past few days i have been trying to keep myself busy watching cooking videos on the net. i like cooking shows – Kylie Wong, Emeril – i used to like Sanjeev Kapoor too but, these days, somehow his shows bore me with all that oil/fat free stuffs.

i would love to build a website with all the recipes i love. Bengali, Manipuri, Thai, Chinese – i am getting excited thinking about it. But knowing me, i would not be able to sustain the enthu for long. But has that ever stopped me from dreaming? Nay!

i would love to start a small restaurant of my own – i have even decided a name for it but would not disclose it for fear that someone might steal that name (look at her, she is paranoid!! Who would even want to steal your idea?). i would paints flowers on the walls. Soft music in the background. Cozy seating arrangements. Hand painted candles.

Another few years of designing, coding, squashing bugs, nagging kids to death – and i want to break free. No more imparting trainings and trying to stuff knowledge into unreceptive minds!

Dreams. And more dreams. And some more dreams.