Monday, September 14, 2009

of puja and bhog and other things

Durga puja is around the corner. So i asked him whether they have any puja celebration out here, what with the large indian community living here. He said we would have to find out. i told him that the bhog they serve during puja is delicious. He was like 'and i thought you wanted to go to pray and all you are interested is the food'. Maybe he thought i had mended my 'wayward' ways and was becoming religious! Not in this lifetime.

We watched 'Year One' - Jack Black is such a funny guy. Gross and funny. It was good in bits and pieces.

Had some guests over for lunch. i am not fond of entertaining unless it is people close to me. But domestic life rules that you should shed your 'unsocial' attitude and try to be as genial as possible sometimes. Being a vain person, i made sure the food was cooked by me - because i am always wary of others' cooking skills! - and that i put in my best efforts. Even though i may pretend i don't care, but compliments about my cooking always please me no end! Which i got in plenty. Oh, i am so good a cook.

And what is it with people who proclaims their inability to cook or perform a domestic chore as if it was something to be proud of? i mean, what is to be so proud of not having ever stitched/mended something ever in your life? Is it to hint that you are so rich and pampered that you never had to lift a finger? As if i would care.