Tuesday, October 14, 2008

my man

His project is going live tomorrow. And my man has been slogging. And i have been trying hard to be an understanding partner – which is so difficult for someone with my nature. But i try. i do try. God, i do, i do…

i cook, watch TV, surf the whole world wide web, scrub the tiles (once in a blue moon), read a bit – all the while with an eye on the clock. It is not like i don’t like being alone. It is just that i want to be with him more. i sound so much like one of those weepy, shirttail-clutching helpless females who cannot breathe when her man is not around. But it is more fun watching TV with him rather than alone – i cannot crib to the wall or the table about the silly plots. It is more fun reading when he is around.

The post is not actually about me. It is about him – how sweet this guy can be at times that i cannot help but pull out some more love from my cache and shower it on him. And it makes me realize why i fell in love with him in the first place.

He came home late last night. After exhausting myself surfing and surfing - watching cooking videos, digging out interesting blogs, i curled up and went off to sleep. i woke up when he whispered my name. i am at my grouchiest when woken up from sleep. i grumbled and mumbled and growled and refused to get up. Any other nice girl would have thought “my man must be tired; i should lay the table, feed him and put him to sleep, maybe massage his aching body”. Not this bitch. i just kept sleeping – rather trying to sleep. He tried to wake me up gently, asking me whether he should lay the table. i just growled back in reply. And then he sang to me “ Ankhen teri…neendh se bhari” and i could not resist laughing. i love this man. i love him.