Saturday, August 18, 2007

orange and pineapple muffin

Muffin for a puffin (what does that mean???!). i baked muffins today. Orange and pineapple muffins. They turned out real good, as good as those ready-to-bake stuff they sell. i am confused now - should i become a chef/ranna massi or a candlemaker? Or just remain a bitchy SSE!

The muffin recipe (courtesy

2 cup all purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 large egg
1 cup melted unsalted butter
1 teaspoon orange zest
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup sour cream
1/2 lb crushed pineapple (drained)

Mix the flour and baking soda. Blend the butter, sugar till fluffy. Add the egg and blend again. Add the sour cream and orange zest. Add the flour and make sure it is well incorporated. Fold in the pineapple. Grease the muffin pan. i used butter.

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Fill the muffin cups. Do not fill it to the brim as the muffins would puff up.

Bake for about 20 minutes. You know it is done when a toothpick inserted into the muffin comes out clean. While the muffins are still warm, glaze it with orange glaze (mix 1/3 cup orange juice with 1/2 cup sugar). And presto, you have muffins for the puffins!!

bitchy friday...

The last two days have been bitchy to me. So i bitched right back. Thursday started off with someone from another group complaining i had not turned over the code that was due for friday! What the f***. i got real pissed off so i wrote a scathing mail saying they had no right to complain as long as i got everything done by friday. Hell, i have never missed a deadline ever. And everyone in my group supported me.

It was just not a good day for the group. We had so many "bad" incidents - it seemed like all the other groups were out to get us. A jinxed day. We were supposed to go for the 10K practice but we decided to forego it - you never know, with that kind of bad luck dogging us, i might have gotten run over by a bicycle and died! i came back home, watched Jeopardy, was delighted to get so many answers right. i was making candles and i got everything wrong. The mold sealer did not work and i had wax leading out from the molds. i just got so disgusted that i left everything halfway.

Wait, the day even got better. Somebody called me up to tell me one of the juniors was sick and could i go check on her? How could i have refused even though i was not too fond of her? So i rummaged through the medicines he had packed for me and went to play doctor. Stayed there till 11 in the night and i had not even eaten!

Today was no better. i released my code and was thinking i could search for some nice recipes. But wham, my lead told me i had to do an emergency fix and release it today! So i coded, tested and managed to wrap everything in about an hour. Boy, do i love myself!

i rewarded myself with a bitching session with the clients - we bitched about this new guy who has this attitude problem. He has a knack of doing just the wrong thing and putting his foot in his mouth. i am a real good one when it comes to bitching - i encourage people, keep the bitching going on--more like a bitching moderator.

We went to buy some stuffs from the asian store. And we met T-da just coming out. So we stood there and yakked on for about 2 hours-we bitched about that guy again, about other guys and went on and on. i am turning out to be an old hen. And inducing everyone else around me to be so...As i told S, hell, i am beginning to turn into a girl!!