Friday, August 11, 2006

taking a break

i have not touched a book for 4 days now. And that speaks volumes about the somnambulistic life i am leading right now. i am hanging on to my sanity by the skin of my teeth. If i manage to stay alive till this whole project gets through, i will treat myself to …..umm…how should i indulge myself? i will buy myself all of Maugham’s books i can lay my eyes on.

i got complimented twice – my shirt actually. i was in a lousy mood in the morning when i got into the lift. The guy next to me said “Nice shirt – it is so colourful”. You would have thought i was wearing a rainbow! i went to the kitchen to get myself a cup of tea and there was this guy who gave me this bright smile and he went “nice shirt” too. When your spirits are in the dumps, it sure feels nice when you get compliments. i must be sinking really low if i start feeling like i need a compliment to lift my sagging spirits.

The softball tournament is this Saturday. But i don’t have time to be excited about it. It will start from 8 in the morning. Imagine. That is like midnight for me. i have to get my cleats cleaned. They look like i have walked across the Sahara desert in them.