Friday, January 05, 2007

Dried up creative juices......

Been mulling over the fact that i have not done anything creative for a long, long time....unless i can call cooking and sleeping creative..No candles, no painting...zilch...And i haven't even touched a book for about a month now..tauba wonder i have been feeling so empty inside. That combined with the fact that we would not be together for another 3-4 months.

Have been meaning to paint the doors of my place for quite some time.But have been caught in the web of domesticity..

OK, i need to wake up and smell the fumes..or is it roses? Whatever...Sometimes i think i am growing senile. Age catching up with me or what?Or is it just hormones going haywire...?? ugh...

Back to the topic...before i meander yet again...i am going to stop being sucha lazyass and start painting the doors..Have too many things on my plate that i feel like just turning my back on it and go off to typical of me....

i should learn a new maybe what?? Am i talking to myself again?eeeeeee.....

On a lighter note, S is coming over for lunch on sunday...i am going to make him eat eromba because he keeps screwing up his nose at me whenever i mention ngari..

We were chatting today about having a house of our know, complete with a kitchen garden and a workshop where we could indulge in our hobbies..carpentry, painting et al. And we can have our dream kitchen and bathroom..He has his flat, i have mine..and maybe we can have a house together..Cool.To dreams. His, mine and ours. Amen.