Tuesday, November 13, 2007

four blind mice...

Four Blind Mice – after abandoning yet another book halfway, i am reading this one now. By James Patterson, it is fast paced and my type of thriller – tales of murders sprinkled with a li’l bit of romance never fail to entice me! i think i will manage to get to the end of this one. i don’t know where this habit sprang up from – i have never been the type to discard a book without seeing to it that i read the last word. Am i growing old? – obviously i am.

My specs broke into half, literally! i went back from office yesterday, took out my lens and then i found my specs under my pillow lying there broken! i was heart-broken – of course i am being melodramatic. Since i cannot see that well without my glasses i had to put on my lens again. Ki kando. Now i have to go find someone to fix it. The troubles that dog us mortals!

S – the one onsite – says he wants to come back home. He is missing home, the poor soul. So i teased him about it – don’t expect me to dish out sympathy. i know he would find it tough to chuck his successful career over there. As i keep telling him, well you cannot have your cake and eat it too. So suck up and bear it or just come home. Life is all about the choices we make and how we deal with what our choices bring in their wake.