Monday, July 03, 2006


In the dungeon of your love
i tread on shards of broken promises
i bleed tears bitter with unborn dreams
i gnaw at the fetters
Binding my soul to yours
i shall fly yet again
With the colours of my dreams on my wings
My wounds will heal
And my scars will linger
To remind me that i have lived
That i have loved and survived

There are times when the whole world seems to conspire against you, when you drown in your tears …There are times when your dreams shatter and try as you can, you cannot put the pieces together…Times when you cry and hug yourself to sleep. When you feel like not getting up ever…When you talk to yourself in your head and block out the world…When no smile can filter through to a heart with blinds drawn…no love can trickle down to warm your soul…

There is a song we used to sing in college..when we didn’t know the meaning of life but thought we did…I remember it today in this haze i inhabit right now

“I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never going to keep me down “
--Tubthumping by Chumbawamba