Thursday, August 28, 2008


P-da gave a treat. We went to this oft-visited restuarant where we always end up having the same thing -kabab and briyani! It was just the three of us - me, SC and P-da. We ordered too much and we had a hard time trying not to waste anything. i gave the excuse that, given my petite size, i should not be forced to eat anything more than usual. So the onus of being the dust bin was taken by SC. The greedy pig that he is, he even ordered an icecream! i made sure that he did not waste anything.

i am feeling really stuffed. And after a series of false starts, my code did work! Hurrah. Well, actually, 1/4 of the code. i still have three programs to complete. Hee hee..i am getting hysterical!