yeah, i join the crowd and become a blogger..what else is left in life, you would think. But when you think about it, it sure is a nice way to vent your angst or whatever. And plus, you get a break from staring at the m/c on days when you don't feel like doing a thing you are supposed to do. here i am, on a monday (like my fave cartoon character says "i hate mondays") banging away at the keyboards...musing about nothing in particular. Just wanting to get these "nothings" out of my system. Last week had been a pretty rough one, on every, personal life..everything. Enough to make me spend the whole weekend in bed with books. And spend about 3 hours on the phone philosophising about life with another fellow wanna-be philosopher.
So we talked about life, about what it is that we want from life..about this thing called love, about expectations we know we should not have but still end up having, about fights...Sometimes, life does not ake sense at all. You try to figure it out, you think you have captured some essence of it, and then the next moment you are back at square one. Is it that we complicate life or life itself is complicated?
There is so much i want out of life, so many things i need to do, so many beautiful places to see. And sometimes i am scared i might not get to the end of my things-to-do-before-i-die list. Sometimes i just don't give a damn.