Thursday, July 28, 2011


When you really think about it, the human psyche is quite amusing. A few days back, I was so upset over the way my friend was (mis)conducting himself. If I had been there, I am sure I would have given him an earful and we might even have parted ways as friends. I still don't understand and condone what he has done and what he still seems to be doing but the raw sense of betrayal has subsided a bit. Desensitized. A bit.

But I think of his wife and son and I wonder whether he is still cheating behind her back. And then I think it is unfair, so grossly unfair that you should betray the trust of someone who has been with you through thick and thin. If he is really serious about this slut, then he should do the fair thing and tell his wife and let go. If he is into it just for the physical aspect then he should deserve a STD at the least.

You do not want to think that someone you consider so close would sink so low. That he couldbe so blind as to be misused. That he could be so unprofessional. That he could turn out to be one of those bastards who just cannot resist temptation. But I remember the face of that slut and I think what temptation? No man would be tempted even if she was dancing naked. Or maybe he is just into fat ugly loose women.