Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bug control

Bugs. Everywhere. i might as well buy myself a bottle of pesticide and go about spraying the code. That is what happens in a big project - something like too many cooks spoiling the broth. i cannot test my code without stumbling every step and trying to figure out and fix other people's bugs. To top the cake, QA has started testing. Now we can expect them to breathe fire down our backs. And some of the developers are on leave. How much better can this get?! i could rave and rant but what would that achieve? So here i am on a friday night, squashing bugs beneath my dainty feet.

i love NCIS. i love all crime related serials - CSI, Law and order etc etc. Does that indicate something about my state of mind? But i love cartoons and animation movies too. So maybe i am just a psycho with an infantile sense of humour. You know, i think this bug hunting has got to me. i am spouting inanities.