Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Back and flying again

So we are back from Imphal - had a great time (that warrants another post) and we are packing our bags again to fly back tomorrow night.

Been shopping for books and other stuffs. I do the reverse of what I used to do in US when I first went there - currency conversion in my head from ruper to dollar - and I go 'oh this is just 1 dollar..oh this is less than 10 dollars...we spent 6k in starmark and when I told my sister, I think she almost went into shock - I have a stingy sister, anything worth more than 10 rupee makes her hesitate!! -but I told her it is just over 100 dollars..the joys of earning in dollars and spending in rupees-priceless.

The end result is that we might touch the 90 kgs limit. While on weight limit, I was so sad when we weighed our bags at home and found we were about 10 kgs below our total allowed weight of 45 kgs. So I went to the market and bought two cauliflowers - I know I am silly. In the end, after putting in this and that and what nots, when our bags were weighed in the airport, we were over the weight limit by almost 2 kgs. Luckily we were not asked to pay extra otherwise I would have dug out the cauliflowers and asked the lady at the counter to have them for dinner. I am very thoughtful that way...

I will write in detail about the yaosang trip...later..I need to pack now...

Friday, March 14, 2014

On the way home

Here I am, waiting to board the plane to take me home. This is the first time I am flying with the elf alone...and hopefully, we will not end up tearing each others hair out... I have the book from C to keep me company...
See you on the other side

Monday, March 03, 2014

Homeward bound

After a lot of changing my mind, I have decided to go home. To Imphal. For yaosang. 

It would be after ages that I would be enjoying yaosang at home. I am half excited, half anxious. I hope the elf would take to it. Or he could turn up his snobbish nose and say it is too noisy.

I think I have found my calling - glass tiles. It is something so easy but the end results leave me happy. 

Now, if only I could find a decent supplier  then I could seriously think about selling my craft. Just like C tells me to do every time she sees me make something. Too bad it would not pay enough as this job does. One day. Some day.