Monday, June 16, 2008

monday thoughts

The weekend was good. Went shopping with my sister and, as usual, we ended up with a trolley full of things! Then went to Bachou’s place and stayed for dinner.
Had Emaibem’s haath ka khana which is something i always look forward to. She told me i was looking so thin – she even told me to take vitamins. My silly sister went “Oh, she is a size zero now” –hate Kareena for making this size so talked about. Which made me wonder whether i should really start worrying. All my dresses which fitted me to a T are now turning baggy. i am eating like before – i never think about calories when i gorge. So i cannot figure out where all the “maangso” (flesh) is going. If Ema sees me now, she is going to go ballistic.

Sunday was spent cleaning up the place. i cooked ilish maach after such a long time. It made me remember SM who used to cook ilish for me every chance he got because he knows i am so in love with this fish. He knows how fussy i am about food and whenever i am onsite, he takes it upon himself to make sure i eat properly. Even now, when he calls up he keeps telling me “Meye, bhalo kore khabi’ (Girl, eat well). i am really lucky to have friends like him.

SC and i have given our names for the Quiz event to be held this Friday in the office. We are two conceited creatures and i told him, we might as well participate and get our egos deflated if we lose or grow more conceited if we win! Hah!