Friday, November 16, 2007

the cyclone that never came....

So the cyclone never came. Which left me slightly disappointed – i know this sounds cruel when you think about the havoc it could have created on lives but still…i woke up in the middle of the night and asked him if the cyclone had arrived. He said ‘no’. In the morning, the first thing i asked him was “Hasn’t the cyclone come?” He gave me an indulgent smile and said no. i had been preparing myself for heavy rains and gushing winds. Oh well, i should think about all the people whose lives were spared because a cyclone with a mind of its own decided to change its path. Maybe cyclones don’t fancy me.

i have been busy trying to make sense of all the data i have accumulated over the years. i think i have about 15 GB of data – which includes official mails, Design documents, my collection of songs -bangla, Hindi, Manipuri and English songs - my poems, recipes and what nots. It is getting quite out of hand. i wonder what i would do if i were to change jobs. Data hoarder – that is what i have become. i have deleted nearly 3 or 4 GB worth of data and it hurt – and i still have the 15 GB to safeguard!

We have been busy trying to re-design the new place. We have decided to go in for a 3 bedroom flat – with a study cum workshop kind of room where he can paint and i can make candles! It is tough trying to figure out how best to design the rooms. i want bay windows – it creates an illusion of space and i do need lots of space, as petite as i am! It is going to be a big place and i am looking forward to this project – this seems like a challenge worth taking. We would go meet the promoter tomorrow and put forward our design. The kitchen is going to be BIG and that is making me happy happy!