Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ni hao! we have planted our uprooted selves here. Don't know whether we will thrive or wilt. Has been almost 40 days here. The weather is not so bad as i was warned. Most of the days i can sleep even without turning the fan on, forget the ac. But then this is the weird person who can even sleep with a blanket in calcutta.

Work-wise, i am trying to find my feet. So much have changed abd they use a bloody ooo language now. I am completely lost. But i am happy to find that i still remember most of the important stuff. So i just might survive. I will give it a year at the least before i decide to run away again.

It has beena struggle trying to find a place to rent. Will write about it in detail some other day. Luckily we found ourselve a maisonnette,big by the standards here, even bigger than the new flat we have back home. It has a big balcony so i can die happy.

The only downside is it is about 30 minutes from the office. I have to take the MRT, which i admit is not that bad. I generally hate public transport (what a snob)but over here, it is not so painful.

I sweated buckets trying to mob the whole bloody apartment. I need an electric mop. That or a maid.

Hopefully, i should be able to blog more regularlt now that i finally shook that lethargy off.