Saturday, October 20, 2007

babe in the woods....

unknown admirers

Out of the blue, i remembered this guy who i have never talked to and don’t even remember seeing his face. i would have never known of his existence except for one thing. This happened about 2-3 years back. i was onsite for my stint and i used to frequent one of my seniors’ cubicle and indulge in sessions of adda. After i came back here, one fine day, one of my colleagues told me i left an admirer back in the land of milk and honey. Ummmm, as flattered as i was, i could not for the life of me figure out who it was. i knew it could not be someone i know for the simple reason that they would not go around announcing they admire me without telling me first (or would they?). It turned out there was a Hungarian guy who sat across my senior and he noticed i had stopped coming to visit. So he asked my senior where i was and that he likes me. He said if he had not been married he would have asked me to marry him! For many days, everyone teased me with “Dominos Pizza - Hungry kya?” (Hungry – Hungary, got the joke??).

Well, the tragedy is that i have never noticed the guy – i suffer from an acute case of selective blindness. i could pass an elephant without noticing it if i am not in the mood (in a mood for elephants??)! Anyway, the next time i went back, the guy had left. i wish i could meet him and at least tell him thanks for liking me without even knowing me!

Back when i was in school (i was going to write a girl in pigtails and i realized i never had pigtails cause my hair was always short), before my class X exams, i used to go for Science tuitions. The place was like 15 minutes working distance from my house and so i used to go by myself. And everyday, i would notice two guys walking in front of me. From my scant knowledge of boys then (notice i used the word ‘then’!), i ruled out that they were guys interested in me – well, they follow you not walk in front of you or so went my logic. At that time, there was another guy who used to follow me back from tuitions and i was desperate to dodge him and his gang of loud friends so i was not too occupied about the two guys in front. Well, one evening, the two guys were in front and as i was about to go in to my leirak, they stopped and one of them handed me a letter. i guess i panicked and i threw the letter back at him and ran as if chased by Shakti Kapoor! Looking back, i should have at least taken the letter and read it. i don’t even remember his face. God knows he must have spent minutes, if not hours, composing that letter. But i was a simple innocent girl then (notice the ‘then’ again!) and i was not too interested in guys then (“then”!).

Well, i have grown up and now i can handle admiration admirably – at least without running away!