Friday, September 07, 2007

my sweet sis...

Today is my li'l sister's birthday. And i am feeling morose because i am not there with her.

We are so different from each other - even though she is years younger to me, she is more mature than me; she is good at managing money, she wears heels (i refuse to wear anything with heels), she loves jewellery (i am emotionally allergic to any kind of ornament) - but we love each other. Of course, i always bully her because i am stronger than her - i am a born tyrant but hell, i love her like crazy. And i am so glad she is my sister and so proud of her.

She is a beautiful person - both inside and outside. She is as good as i am wicked - sometimes it is hard to believe we are sisters.

We have been through so many things together. We have been staying with each other for the last 5 years. i miss her terribly right now. i miss the weekends together when we laze in front of the TV, bitching about this and that. i miss the silly computer games when we have crazy bets like who will clean up after dinner, who will make the tea.... oh hell, i miss her...i miss my family. i wonder whether this is worth it all, staying away from your family. In the end, who cares how much my bank balance is or how far up the corporate ladder i am? But then, this has been my choice, my call. And so i have to grin and bear it till i can free myself of these materalistic shackles. Amen.