Sunday, January 19, 2014


Who would have ever thought I would start eating healthy or at least try? The elf and I went to the supermarket and bought fruits and quinoa seeds..a miracle...

I bought all the fruits and stuff for the smoothie but I am actually getting lazy - trust me to do exactly that. But I had quinoa for lunch and a green apple so nothing is in vain, I suppose. And I even drank two glasses of water after I got up. Gulp! I feel like I am straying off the nice bad path I do love trotting along.

Maybe I will get around to the smoothie...maybe I will end up wearing a bikini the next time we go on a holiday --as if!! 

Now to undo all the good work, I am off to eat canned mackerel curry with Hawaizar ametpa...what more could a girl ask?