Tuesday, May 01, 2007

shopping frenzy

Now shopping is not of my favourite chores - well, someone who associates shopping with chore, that says it all. Tomorrow being a holiday, i decided to play traunt today. Chema is visiting us so i thought i would go shopping with her. On an hot April afternoon. At the end of the day, after buying everything from tops to shoes and everything in between, it was all i could do to drag myself+the heavy bags home. i am glad i survived.

i think basically i don't have the patience for shopping. In fact, i don't have any patience left in my cookie jar for anything. How does one cultivate patience? i keep reminding myself that there would be an end to everything, no matter how unpleasant. Sometimes that works. Sometimes i blow my lid. i guess i need anger management lessons too. But this i must say for myself, i am a much better person than what i was, say 5 years back. Or when i was a kid.

i have finished painting two doors. Painting is cathartic. So is scribbling. i think i will post the pictures after all. Just to have the plesaure of having some kind soul say how nice they are!!! An inflated ego like mine needs constant refilling! M came over with her parents the other day and she thought i had hired someone to do the doors! Gee, i was so damn flattered....

This is the second time i am blogging from the comfort of my messy bed! Which explains why i am groggy with sleep. Because it is past my bedtime - they call me cinderella back in the states because i refuse to stay up after 12, unless it is to read books. G'night.