Wednesday, September 24, 2008

dream on...

These past few days i have been trying to keep myself busy watching cooking videos on the net. i like cooking shows – Kylie Wong, Emeril – i used to like Sanjeev Kapoor too but, these days, somehow his shows bore me with all that oil/fat free stuffs.

i would love to build a website with all the recipes i love. Bengali, Manipuri, Thai, Chinese – i am getting excited thinking about it. But knowing me, i would not be able to sustain the enthu for long. But has that ever stopped me from dreaming? Nay!

i would love to start a small restaurant of my own – i have even decided a name for it but would not disclose it for fear that someone might steal that name (look at her, she is paranoid!! Who would even want to steal your idea?). i would paints flowers on the walls. Soft music in the background. Cozy seating arrangements. Hand painted candles.

Another few years of designing, coding, squashing bugs, nagging kids to death – and i want to break free. No more imparting trainings and trying to stuff knowledge into unreceptive minds!

Dreams. And more dreams. And some more dreams.

1 comment:

Does it matter said...

Ha ha.
So you don't like the diet foods huh.. neither do i ! (actually, does anyone?)

So are your dreams likely to be just that, or do you intend to make them into reality some day for sure?

Have a contrary view point - at times we need the fantasy and dreams, and sometimes they need to remain just that. Because, when we try and put them into reality they might not work out, and then we dont even hv the dreams to look forward to.

But, the opposite is also true - better to hv loved & lost than not loved at all...

Whats yr take on this?