Wednesday, October 22, 2008


i don’t want to love you
And yet, i cannot let go

This web we have spun
With threads of love and lust
Threatens to smother us

With love, we stepped into each other’s lives
With vows and promises never to be kept
As the mist lifts
And our sights clear
We face each other
With undisguised animosity
Trying to suppress the love that lies beneath

We wound with words
We wound with silence

We pretend to sleep
As we both toss and turn
In our own private hell


Does it matter said...

Love, there is for sure
Because it was, what got us together
Will our egos not let us look within
Our souls, that bleed with every fight
Each blow, of words, of silence
That I inflict on you
Hits me within even more
There will be light, I am sure
Because, even our fights
In a way
Bring us closer, in the web we weave.

Tk care.

Does it matter said...

And the sketch is pretty, btw.


gypsy said...

@matter; You know, your writing deserves a better place than in my comment section. Why don't you post this on your blog for all to see/appreciate instead of it being hidden in some corner of some obscure blog?

Thank you.

Does it matter said...

Thank you. Praise coming from you means I am really something (you have said it elsewhere, earlier..)


Coming to your point, the reason it needs to be here and not on my blog is:
- It is meant for you, and for you alone to see it. Or, for folks who read your post..
- Your post has inspired this comment, so it needs to be at its correct place
- My blog is probably even more obscure (selfish me!!) LOL!

Does it matter said...

And more importantly, the real purpose of this post comment was to make you introspect (though I am sure you are doing it already), and get you into a different frame of mind (though I hope you are into it already).

Know what i mean?

Does it matter said...

Ok then

Here goes:

Rain Girl said...

ouch... so sad girl.. *hugs* hope you ok :*

sadsadas said...

Good One. But, hoping that this is not for yourself and your live.

"Life gives you one chance at a time. Learn to move on if you miss that chance."

gypsy said...

@matter; WoW!!! i loved your post.

Actually, i was in a good frame of mind when i wrote this. i don't let myself get down that easily - call it pride or self-preservation. i have long learned that it does not do to let love rule your life and emotions.

And yes, i was/am smiling! See :)

@rain: Thanks for your concern, girl but i am OK.

@khuman: Thanks! And yes, agree with you. When we look back, it should only be to smile and wave at old memories and not cry!

Does it matter said...

- Thnk you!
- Great, okay..
- & *keep* smiling

Anonymous said...

dont know how i got here...from one gypsy to another -- this one rings sooo true for me rightnow!