Monday, July 07, 2008


i am a spoilt brat. It is as simple as that. The realization is not new. And in some twisted way, this is the way i like myself. Maybe because i am aware that i cannot and do not want to change. But “cannot change” is not right – if you want, you can change yourself. But i guess, i am too much into myself to think of changing.

When i am hurt or angry, i am incapable of thinking beyond myself. Anger is an emotion that threatens to control me sometimes. From childhood, i have had this issue of not being able to handle things when i don’t get my way. This continues till now. When things don’t work out my way, i just lose it. The irony – i am all too aware of my warts but i seem content to let these warts get bigger and unmanageable. Till one day, i would be one big wart! Great! i am unfair to the people close to me – they are the ones who bear the brunt of my ill-natured outbursts.

i cool down quickly – but after the damage have been done. i mean, i would rant and rave. And then, i would realize that this is not the way to handle things – after the outburst. But words once spoken cannot be recalled like e-mails. Wounds cannot be wished away with a “sorry”. i always end up hurting the people i love the most. Because i am so spoilt. Patience – i should trade some of my gray cells for an ounce of patience.

If only i can think before i speak instead of speaking before i think. If only i was less in love with myself and not accept these warts. If only i was more human instead of being a bitch. If only my actions were reflections of my thoughts.


Does it matter said...

And you are not alone in feeling this way.

I get this immense feeling of dejavu on some of yr posts..

Was this yr own post, or did you read my mind?

gypsy said...

@matter: Et tu? Are you as bitchy as me? (Since i have no idea about your gender, i don't know whether "bitchy" applies to you. What is the equivalent masculine gender for "bitchy". Or is it universal?

Does it matter said...

I have absolutely no idea about that one. I guess every one has a right to be bitchy, but maybe you just dont admit it if you are a man!

Re yr specific Qn regarding yrs truly, are you looking for a specific answer or was that just a general qn... and if you are, cannot you guess?

gypsy said...

@matter: i love being a bitch!!

Actually, i was nearly dying of curiosity! But i thought i would try to figure out by myself from your writing. One post makes me feel you are a guy, another makes me feel you are female. Now i am totally confused about your gender!

Does it matter said...

Thanks, I think.

I suppose I am doing something right in that I am not a typical person, or at the very least - I don't fit into stereotypes..

Though, I assure you, I am definitely one of the two, for sure!

You may want to keep guessing till you form an opinion. Alternately, you may want to ask me nicely.. Who knows if its yr lucky day (week, month, year, decade)..

gypsy said...

Thanks but i think i will keep guessing!