Sunday, April 29, 2007
love and longing on an april night
i do miss him - though i try not to. It is no fun wallowing in pools of sad emotions so i try my best to get a life without him. It is not that i am unhappy or that joy has flown out of my life - i have my lovely sister for company and my friends in the office. But i do miss life with him - a different kind of companionship and joy. i miss the innumerous fights, well, lovers' tiffs - and the making up which makes all fights bearable. We are two very different personalities- as similar as chalk and cheese can be- and that results in lotsa sparks in the air (and elsewhere too!). i think we complete each other. i sure would not want to be with someone just like me!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
chicken soup and the stomach
The occasion was yet another project lunch. i am tired of going out for lunch now. i think my stomach cannot take it anymore.
Keeping upset gastric thoughts aside, the trip might materialize after all. And blogging on an upset stomach is no fun. Period.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
My first exposure to it was in my first year at college. Till then racism was something i connected to
And then, inevitably, i made new friends, discovered new passions and was ready to leave the nest and try out my wings. The realization that what people think of you does not change/reflect what you are inside made/makes me less bitter whenever i encounter unpleasantness in the form of ignorant people. That coupled with the knowledge that i am no less a person than anyone with a beaked nose. Oops, that was mean of me!
Of course, i do face those inevitable moments when people on the street pass inane comments but it leaves me indifferent rather than flustered. i don’t see any reason to lose my cool because people are ignorant. Of course, when the need arise, i have deigned to clear their ignorance. Like in my campus interview, the recruiter from one of the country’s biggest IT firm went on about how the people in Manipur are ‘fast’ (and from his expressions, he didn’t mean it in a complimentary way) and that got me because i had not expected that from someone supposedly educated. So i gave it back to him good, surprising him (and myself too, i guess). Just in case you are curious, i did get the job offer, much to my surprise.
More on this next time.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Embarrassed to admit this but i have not done much traveling within India. Would love to visit Kerala and Leh.
i miss our weekend escapades – those on-the-spur-of-the-moment trips. We used to step off the train and go hunting for hotels, lugging our luggage along – which was fun actually. i am not a fan of guided tours. It does not give you the freedom to explore on your own. i remember a trip where we got down halfway on our way back to the hotel because we espied a nice hillock – we hiked up and had a wonderful time. It was desolate and lovely. And we could not find any vehicle to take us back and we had to walk all the way to the hotel. It was drizzling and there was such an air of freedom and abandon around me. We have done many crazy things together – like hiking up all the way to the top of a mountain taking a shortcut. We got lost so many times and ended up getting exasperated with each other!
We were once got caught unaware by a high tide and had to wade in waist deep water to get back to safety. That was particularly risky because i didn’t know how to swim then. And no, i didn’t panic and cling to him! i think i was more worried about not getting my camera wet than a watery end to our existence!
i would love to hitch-hike through Europe. i have always been fascinated by the concept of a working vacation. i would like to earn my way through the world, doing all kinds of job- waiting on tables, working on a farm, even breaking stones in a quarry ..anything. Not for me the organized tours and cruises.
i live for that day – when i would be watching the aurora borealis, when i would be breaking bread with the nomads in Sahara……..Tell me, can a soul crumple under too many dreams?
Monday, April 23, 2007
Doors and a messy bed
Ok, books – I have gotten into this nasty habit of starting a book, leaving it halfway and then starting on another…right now, I am in the middle of three books – Catch 22 and god help me, i cannot remember the titles of the other two. The end result is that my bed is piling up with books and the odds and ends that somehow seem to be attracted to my bed. i even have my digital camera under my pillow, my passport, an album of photos. i think I am the messiest person around. My siblings are all goddesses of cleanliness. Maybe my only saving grace is that when i decide to go on a cleaning spree, which is rare, i manage to do a good job.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Old friends and lunch
The training is over (thank god) but the workload has multiplied. i have to oversee the deliverables – nag kids to buck up and work, review answers, code etc etc. On top of that, we had our half yearly appraisal and we had to sit down with the juniors and grade them. But, strangely, i have not yet blown my top. Oh yes, sometimes i am sarcastic, especially when dealing with kids who repeat the same mistake again and again. Maybe the root of the problem is that the juniors think that they can get away with murder just because it is such a cool project. You know, where everyone is on friendly terms – more like a college atmosphere. But you have to draw the line somewhere. There is a time for work and a time for play. And i am drumming that into their heads. i have realized that i am a hard task mistress. The kids are kinda scared of me (imagine, they are like double my size!) because i have a sharp tongue and a sharper mind (couldn’t resist that!).