Thursday, April 26, 2007

chicken soup and the stomach

As i type this, i am nursing an upset stomach, which i suspect could have been the mushroom in the soup i had today. Or was it the lamb? i had ordered chicken clear soup, which so happens to be my favourite soup because it seems so clear-headed compared to the other soups (think of cloudy sweet-corn soup). What was served to me was anything but clear – it had broccoli (which i cannot stand), noodles, carrot and exactly three pieces of chicken (i know because i was playing hide-and-seek with them). In the name of experimentation i decided not to forego it and had the chicken and whatever I could drain out of that miniature-kitchen-garden-like soup.

The occasion was yet another project lunch. i am tired of going out for lunch now. i think my stomach cannot take it anymore.

Keeping upset gastric thoughts aside, the trip might materialize after all. And blogging on an upset stomach is no fun. Period.

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