Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Am planning for a trip to either Darjeeling or Sikkim with my sisters. But looks like it is doomed because i cannot get any ticket! It serves us right for not planning beforehand. Trying to explore other options like going by bus but not too sure whether my sister will say yes to it.

Embarrassed to admit this but i have not done much traveling within India. Would love to visit Kerala and Leh.

i miss our weekend escapades – those on-the-spur-of-the-moment trips. We used to step off the train and go hunting for hotels, lugging our luggage along – which was fun actually. i am not a fan of guided tours. It does not give you the freedom to explore on your own. i remember a trip where we got down halfway on our way back to the hotel because we espied a nice hillock – we hiked up and had a wonderful time. It was desolate and lovely. And we could not find any vehicle to take us back and we had to walk all the way to the hotel. It was drizzling and there was such an air of freedom and abandon around me. We have done many crazy things together – like hiking up all the way to the top of a mountain taking a shortcut. We got lost so many times and ended up getting exasperated with each other!

We were once got caught unaware by a high tide and had to wade in waist deep water to get back to safety. That was particularly risky because i didn’t know how to swim then. And no, i didn’t panic and cling to him! i think i was more worried about not getting my camera wet than a watery end to our existence!

i would love to hitch-hike through Europe. i have always been fascinated by the concept of a working vacation. i would like to earn my way through the world, doing all kinds of job- waiting on tables, working on a farm, even breaking stones in a quarry ..anything. Not for me the organized tours and cruises.

i live for that day – when i would be watching the aurora borealis, when i would be breaking bread with the nomads in Sahara……..Tell me, can a soul crumple under too many dreams?

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