i have decided to use my bad cold as an excuse to spend another day in bed, cavorting with my thoughts, books and some tears…i think i deserve at least some days where i can grieve in peace for what i thought i had for life, never mind if it was just an illusion.
There is something to say about the luxury of just just letting yourself slide to the bottom of the grief valley/bucket/whatever…just to let the thoughts run wild in your head of why/how things came to this, knowing so well nothing matters now. It is like watching something you built burn to the ground - you cannot stop watching even though it pains you…i am waiting for the flames to consume everything, for the embers to die so i can sweep the ashes away and maybe plant some cacti on that plot..yes, i am going crazy…
i know i need to get back to work but i don’t have the energy to do anything except the bare needful so the elf can survive and he does not see me in this state. i don’t know how i spent the last three weeks so cheerful - it is like i locked away these monsters and how that i am all alone with no one to keep a tab on me, they have broken their chains and out to run amok in my head…
i know i need to get a grip on it - i am not the first person on this planet whose heart has been broken nor will i be the last. But i am just giving myself the luxury of wallowing in this mucky tear soaked bottomless pit - it is nice to know this is the lowest point of my life so far, knowing that someone i trusted my life with could so casually toss me aside. But then maybe, i did not mean anything to him so maybe the fault is how i perceived this whole relationship. So yes, lets all heap the blame on this stupid bitch that i am…
Wow, that was bitter, even for me..maybe i just need to let it all out, write down everything i feel - that would be good fodder to smile at when i revisit maybe in a year or 10 or however long it is supposed to take to gather the pieces of a life you thought you had…
I will take the first step tomorrow, rejoin work and maybe start my slow crawl up from the bottom…is this why people drink to forget? Let me go drown my sorrow in pomegranate juice and waatin - and maybe order something and stuff my face. Yes, finally, it looks like i am grieving…my way…now, let me grieve in style…