Bidding farewell to a year filled with heartbreak, a year that saw me on my knees, bent and broken - but also a year that saw me at my strongest as I learn to pick up the broken pieces of my heart and try to make the best out of this life I have been given, a year that made me realise I can behave with dignity in the face of my worst nightmare. To a stronger and kinder me….
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
The end…
On a winter afternoon, after more than two decades, our story ended with two signatures. I did not shed a tear but did I detect a tremble in my fingers as I signed the document that would seal our fates? It felt surreal…
Afterwards, we went for a cup of tea and a plate of pakora thongba and we sat and talked about this and that and spent maybe the last half an hour of our lives that we will ever spend together.
As I looked at him, I realised I do not hold any grudge - I just want him to be happy. I guess that is what they call love. Memories are all I will have of him.
As I rode away in an auto (I don’t know why I love this mode of transport), with the winter breeze blowing my straw like hair (I have no idea what I am writing), I sighed and swallowed a tear…
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Off with her hair
And to commemorate one month of my world turning upside down, i went and got my hair chopped off yesterday. Not as short as i wanted as the stylist said it would look not good - and i decided to listen to someone who knows his trade, for once in my life. It did turn out good, better than i had expected. Since there is no one else there to admire it, i might as well admire it! For the longest time ever, he used to cut my hair for me…and colour it..i was thinking how does a relationship go from eating together from the same plate to this…stop it already..there is no point beating myself up over things i cannot…
Planning a short break during the long weekend. So much hassle what with the covid test and travel insurance and app to download, but i think i just want a day without worrying what i need to cook for dinner or cleaning up. i just need to curl up somewhere with a book and generally laze around like a fat hog.
Monday, April 25, 2022
Of dreams and pain
The waking hours are much better. But, in the middle of the night, when i suddenly wake up from a dream when we were together and the knowledge that we are not together anymore hits me again, it is like going through it all over again because i am not fully awake to have the armor of logic to protect me…am i even making sense?
I finally got the appointment to chop off my hair. One less thing to weigh me down - i have enough baggage i carry around as it is…
I told my colleague/friend who insisted on talking to me -in spite of me screaming bloody no - what a persistent haramzada he was. I guess they are worried about me - and i know they are doing it because they care but i just don’t want to interact with anyone. i know i should call myself lucky that the few people i call friends will have my back…
How long does one give oneself the luxury to grieve? How long does it take for the pain to fade? How long will it take for the scabs to form on these wounds?
Saturday, April 23, 2022
It seems to be a case of one step upwards and two downwards sometimes. It seems all sunny one moment and the next i feel like i have stepped into a cave of misery. I guess this is expected - i would have to be exceptionally resilient if i came out of this without some scars to show…
Went to the library - lugged home many books. Sometimes, all you need is the written words to lure you away from the darkness, if only for a while.
i will go get my hair lopped off the coming week- want it extra short just for the heck of it…
By a stroke of luck, the elf’s weekend extra-curricular activities lined up perfectly with the kick boxing class i have been eyeing for years now. So hopefully, i can start kicking some asses..
I desperately want to travel- just want to go to some far flung place, lie with the sun on my back and just read and doze off…
I continue to refuse to talk to people at work - K wanted to know if it was my ‘mon’ or my ‘shorir’ that was off and i told him both. i am on my way to becoming the most anti-social creature this side of the planet, if i am not there already…
And i had almost forgotten how much i enjoy writing- just gathering all my irrelevant/irreverent thoughts, thoughts that make no sense sometimes, even to myself…
And i was thinking that after a long, long time, i feel free, not answerable to anyone/anything…not having to justify my actions/words to anyone except myself…and how togetherness is over-rated..and what i am saying smacks of sour grapes…
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
The upward crawl begins…
And so on a Wednesday morning, i brushed away the cobwebs in my head and logged in to work…not that anyone seems to have missed me much - just what was needed for an already bruised ego…
After trying to remember the 1001 passwords needed to log in to god knows what applications, weeding mails and tossing them unread into some obscure folders, i settled down to sulk with the laptop in front. It is a good thing we are still working from home because i have zero desire to see anyone or have anyone see me…C called me up - i guess she wanted to cheer me up- but i did not pick up and messaged her i did not want to talk. The rate i am going, i think i will lose the minuscule number of people i call friends.
I did manage to get some work done and logged off at an indecently early hour to sulk some more and plug the emptiness inside me with some raspberry filled biscuits from Ikea washed down with green tea…such is my life…
And i watched videos on Sahara desert and Antarctica (such is the state of my brain that i had to look up the spelling)…and thought how brave some people are..and why people like me should not dream because all i do is dream and not see it through…i am a hypocrite and a gutless bitch- not a nice combination…
I have enough fabric in my closet to protect the modesty of 20045 Draupadis if i were Krishna - i should seriously start sewing and using them up but i cannot get myself to turn on the sewing machine…
It is raining as i type this - i love the rain, i love (and hate) how it reminds me of days gone by..i want to go walk in the rain, feel the tears mingle with the rain drops…do you think each one of us is assigned a finite amount of tears? I would like to think i am nearing the end of my quota of tears. I would like to reserve some for the day i die - if nobody cries for me when i fade away (which makes me sound like a star), i might as well cry for myself…i have no idea what junk i am writing…
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Of thoughts and more thoughts…
Monday, April 18, 2022
For the first time since the drama unfolded, i am alone - without the need to appear cheerful. And maybe now, the real emotions will surface. Or maybe i have stopped caring. I have a bad cold i brought back with me so using that as an excuse to lie in bed, marinating with my thoughts.
Maybe i just need to take long, deep breaths and listen to some heartbreak songs, cry some buckets of tears and close this chapter and move on. If i was really honest with myself, maybe i would admit to myself that this is for the best. Left on my own, i would not have ever had the guts to cut the strings, scared i would bleed. So maybe he did me a favour.
So maybe it is time to dust the dust off my dreams that i had packed away, thinking i would never see them again -the dreams i forsook because i thought he was worth more than all the dreams i could dream of. The road ahead will be rough for sure. But then, nobody said life was going to be easy.
So maybe i will chop off my tresses, colour it pink or mauve or whatever, maybe i will take up kickboxing and kick the shit out of life……maybe i will start drinking…maybe i will pack the bags and move away to someplace forsaken…
Or maybe i will just lie in bed and alternate between dreaming and shedding tears…so many possibilities, so many ways this could end but only one me.
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Friday, April 08, 2022
Of love and respect
Is it possible for love to survive without respect? If you lose all your respect for someone, does it mean you have stopped loving that person? Is disgust the same as anger? If someone’s action disgusts you, does it strangle love?
Wednesday, April 06, 2022
If someone had told me before that i would be going through what life has thrown at me now, i would have thought i would burn and spew venom. But i find myself thinking i just would not grieve or get bitter just because someone broke my heart.
I have always thought that whatever happens, happens for the best. I have no God to turn to or faith to seek solace in. But i have myself and the knowledge/arrogance that i can weather any storm i find myself in. That this would be my trial by fire and i would rise from the ashes like the phoenix.
So life, here i am. Throw at me what you will. Break my heart into pieces. I will rise one day, i will smile again and mean it. I will see my dreams emerge from the cocoon. You cannot break me. If my love was not enough, so be it.
Monday, April 04, 2022
And so it ends…
On a cloudy Monday morning, two people who took vows to be with each other for life signed a piece of paper that would bring them nearer to the end of the road.
And we sipped tea and ate kelichana afterwards in ‘celebration’. It drizzled a bit as if our love, or whatever it was between us, cried. I would like to think we parted as friends. I would like to think we would always be there for each other no matter what paper we signed on.
‘I thought when my love for you died
I would die
It is dead
Alone, most strangely, I live on’
Saturday, April 02, 2022
Friday, April 01, 2022
And just like that..
I have no idea what the title means…i have been scrubbing toilet bowls, floors, clothes, utensils— anything that can be scrubbed to scrub away some of the hurt. There is something therapeutic about manual labour…
And i revisit the different philosophies i used to love. I think what has helped me through this difficult time is knowing that i do not have to react the way i am expected to react. Maybe that is the rebel in me…whatever it is, i hope to find some solace in the fact that he is happy, that he has gotten what he wanted and knowing that, one day, i will be able to look back at this and think i have handled it with grace (obviously, since i so lack in grace, the one time i have shown a trace of grace, i need to harp on it so that no one misses this!).
Life is life- it goes on even when you cry yourself to sleep, or act overtly cheerful so my dear ones would not see my pain. Every now and then, i escape to some corner so i can paint on my mask of cheerfulness. But i like to believe that whatever has happened, it is for the best. I did not have the courage to let go- but he did. I do not need to paint myself as the victim or him as the villain.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
I was trying to understand why my lack of anger was getting to me. I think it is because somewhere in my mind, i equate the lack of anger as condoning what he has done. But i do not condone it - on my moral compass, i find it repulsive. I would have thought the fact that i find it repulsive would make me angry. And in my head, i found myself judging him.
But as the thoughts swirled around, i found myself asking what is morality? Should i judge everyone by my moral compass or judge only my own actions? If i judge him by my moral compass, doesn’t it mean i am foisting my sense of morality on him? Maybe what is repulsive to me is justifiable on his moral compass? What do i get by judging his actions just because it hurt and repulsed me? The same deed when weighed on different moral scales would register different weights in terms of right and wrong.
In the overall scheme of life, how does all this matter? Just because he chose to do something that i have never, even in my wildest dreams, thought he could do, should i condemn his character? Yes, i feel sad that he did not turn out to be the person i thought he was - but then, is it his fault if i thought him to be something he was not? If his love for me was not enough to have stopped him, is that my problem or his?
There is nothing like old fashioned heartbreak like this to turn one into a pseudo philosopher.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Love or something like it
Love. One word around which revolves so much joy and pain. When the one you love slams the door on your face, does your love shatter? Is love so ephemeral? Does love rely on it being reciprocated to thrive? Why cannot love be just by itself? Why does it have to be give and take?
I cannot find it in me to loathe him. I know there can never be that connection with him again. But i know i want him to be happy, i want to see him smile…and i think to myself, maybe that is what love is, this desire to protect him from any hurt, this desire to see a smile on his lips even if it is at the expense of my tears.
My hurt is my own. It does not have to take away from the love i feel for him, despite everything that has happened. And that is that…