Friday, July 29, 2011


This is it - 30 daily posts. That should take care of my annual quota of posts. It as been fun trying to maintain it. But now that I have proved that it is actually possible to have a busy life and still have time to bore the world with the non-events in your life, i think I will go into hibernation. No point in losing the few people who read me (and while I am at it, thank you whoever you are who drop in to read my ramblings) by forcing myself to come up with trite posts just for the sake of posting.

So unless something momentous happen in my life tomorrow - like finding out I am gay or something equally exciting like that- I will not be back till I really, really feel like posting.

Oh wait, did I tell you I weighed myself and I am now 44. Umm, what about celebrating that and continue till I complete 44 posts? Oh shut up, we don't want you anymore. Go away. OK. I get the message loud and clear. You can navigate away from this blog now. I need to sulk.

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