Wednesday, June 29, 2011


This is my 400th post! And it took me more than a year to go from 300 to 400. Imagine! I thought maybe as a celebration of this very memorable event ( now you know just how pathetic my life is, I am actually celebrating this, I thought I would blog everyday for a week. Scary, eh? I know...

You know, the other day, because I have nothing better to do in life, I was checking out celebrity blogs. I read Big B's blog and saw he blogs almost everyday. What?! I mean, what with his busy schedule and all. I then read somewhere that someone actually ghost-blogs for him. Really? I was disappointed but maybe , just maybe it is really him.

Now, what would I blog about? I am sure to rant, crib, be pathetic. But what the hell? Let me celebrate.

We have a new release coming up and, after days of doing practically nothing, I was swamped with work and time flew like a crow on steroids (what?). So for two weeks or so, I am going to be busy. Which is so fun. It beats getting paid for doing nothing.

Am I supposed to get flattered when people tell me I look the same like I did some 6-7 years back? They say I have not changed. What do they know of my having to dye my hair to hide the grey? But yes, I am almost the same weight and my teeth have not fallen off, my knees still work....

And I was shattered to find I weigh 44.5 kgs now with clothes on. That is not a respectable figure, is it?

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