Sunday, August 01, 2010

not yet dead

don't write me off because i am still alive - why, don't ask me.

Life has been busy - one day merging into next and the next. And nothing to show for it.

Work - yes, the new place - not new anymore now that i have spent two months there. i was not prepared for the coldness welcoming me - apparently we replaced two people in the team all because of management policy and that did not go down too well with the team. i could understand their antagonism. But, i am glad that in the two months, i have been able to break down barriers and even feel welcome. Not that i want to be miss-popular or anything but it is nice to be appreciated for your good work. So there, i crossed another hurdle. Hurray for the smart one!!

And i found out how much i hate accounting. Now that i have my own company i am supposed to maintain an account of my expenses and all that bull shit. i absolutely hate it. i think there is nothing worse than trying to keep track of where your money goes - i just cannot do it. My sister is so good at it. But i do not even know how and where it goes and i am not too bothered unless of course i go bankrupt - which i just might.

Oh wait, did i say that on my birthday i got the one thing i have been lusting for - now, no dirty thoughts - i got an iMac pro. Yes, the mac i keep mooning about - the only material thing after books i long for. He got his brother-in-law to get it from US and ship it. Wasn't that sweet of him? But, as with all things, now that i have it, i don't use it. i guess i just wanted to have it just for the sake of having it. But i do love the look of it. Yes, i should use it more often. And i should blog too.

1 comment:

sadsadas said...

Now,I'm very sure you are not dead. :)