Thursday, February 18, 2010

Extramarital affair a criminal offence?

Last week, i read an article on e-pao about a couple being thrown into jail for having an extramarital affair. Now, my legal knowledge is not that sound but still, is extramarital affair considered a criminal offence in the eyes of the law?

No, i don't condone such affairs because i believe in the sanctity of the marriage vows but i don't agree with the idea that erring couples should be locked up. After all, we are talking about two consenting adults and not under-aged kids swayed by abundance of hormones. It might not be morally right and can be a ground for divorce, but to incarcerate them? i wonder under which act they were booked under.

Contrast this to the unnerving silence of the custodians of law when it comes to mobs destroying houses of people accused of crime which, going by the news on e-pao, seems to be becoming a regular event in the hell that Manipur has become. i never read anything about the police clamping down on these people who have scant regard for the rights of other people whose only crime is they are related to the accused. We have our priorities all mixed up, i tell you.

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