Tuesday, September 29, 2009

anti social networking sites

The other day, a junior from work (read ex-work) asked me to join orkut. Now, i am allergic to all social networking sites. i told him i have an insane desire not be found by anyone or to find anyone in the virtual world.

i have been told i can find long-lost friends, have friends find me. Which is scary if you ask me. i mean, for someone so anti-social like me, that is like hell! i have always maintained that if i want to be in touch with someone it would not be through one-liners or what they call scraps (is that the right term ?). And i just don't want to be 're-discovered' by people i don't want to be in contact with. Which makes you wonder whether i have many skeletons hiding in the cupboard!!

Almost everyone (net-savvy i mean) i know has a parallel existence in the world of orkut or facebook or whatever other sites you have. In my ex-project, all the kids (and the adults too!) always had their orkut accounts open - of course, surreptitiously (but i am eagle eyed) and SC and i always cribbed about project productivity being reduced by people 'scraping' rather than working. SC is the only person in my orbit who does not exist in orkut.

i can never understand why people are so addicted to it. But then, i am an antiquated hag.


sadsadas said...

I had delete my orkut account some years back. It was addicted and waste of time.

The habit of trying to find old friends and foes was getting into my nerves and at the same some unwanted person visiting me was also making me nervous. So, eventually I had deleted the account.

Now, it's bone of contention with my wife. I'm trying my best to convince her with my views but, she always has otherwise view. :(

gypsy said...

glad to know there is someone out there who feels the same.

And wives are difficult creatures to convince!! It is best to let her be. After all, to each to his/her own.

Unknown said...

hehe...i guess everything in moderation is fine...there is a really funny video on facebook status .. heres the link.. go through it....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd3RQFJzovw&feature=player_embedded#

gypsy said...

Prithwish: Thanks for sharing the link. And for dropping by my blog!!