Thursday, June 26, 2008


It is the time of the year again when we get the letter which either make us weep in joy or sorrow - the increment letter. i am the kind who never complains about salary increment - maybe because i have always got more than i expected!

Today, i was handed two letters - i was expecting just the increment letter. The first one was the promotion letter - i am officially an Assistant Technical Consultant now. So ironic for someone who considers herself technologically challenged! And to top it, my salary got hiked by 23%! Yipee!!! This sure is a pleasant surprise.

We finally made up our minds about the flooring for the new place - we went for marble. And it made us poorer by about a lakh. i am undecided about whether to be excited about the prospect of moving in to the new nest. It would be about 30 minutes commute to the office. And there are no public transport in that area so i would have to either rely on him or buy myself a car. Plus it would be too far away from my place and i would not be able to meet my sister that often. And to add to it, we are undecided about whether we want to stay here or relocate to US - at least for some years.

But it would be our dream nest - it would have almost everything i want in a house - big kitchen and bathroom, a bathtub where i can drown him if he should step on my toes (Remember "Diabolique"?). i think i would have a tough but enjoyable time setting it up.


Rain Girl said...

ohh congrats girl!! :D u desrve all that..n more :D
n wheee marble flooring ..such luxury!! ;)

lolz..i saw Diabolique too.. :P good idea ;)

gypsy said...

Thank you, thank you.

As i always say, why earn if you cannot spend it?

..But when you consider the fact that he can maybe lift me with one arm, i might be the one who ends up drowned in the bathtub! hee hee...