Saturday, May 17, 2008


So my bags are packed yet again. i fly back tomorrow to my old life. i really must get myself enrolled in those frequent flyers' programme.

Went shopping with big sister. Got some tops for my younger sister. Whenever i go shopping, i always end up buying things for her. With the end result that she has a wardrobe that is literally spilling over.

The trip would start on 26th provided they don't change their minds again. We were supposed to have gone on 19th. They must have been pendulums in their previous lives to be so indecisive.

i would be flying alone. He would come on either monday or tuesday. My mother asked me why we were not travelling together. i told her it was because we were afraid we might kill each other on the flight seeing how much we hate each other! Since no one ever takes me seriously at home, they laughed at what they thought was one of my corny jokes. ummm...But then, i think we don't hate each other. We are trying to but hating someone is tougher than loving them.

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