Tuesday, November 27, 2007

heartbreak season -II

If you must,
Then go.
But tread slowly--
For you walk on my dreams.
If the shards of my broken dreams
Should make you falter
Sweep them aside
But do not stop.
If you should turn back -
Honey, i would be long gone.


Unknown said...

Its one of the phases in life one encounters. Yet reading your poem gives that "fell good" factor despite the heartbreak you have decided to outcast from your life.Have been following your blogs for quite some time. Nice writing. Keep it up. Though the search is still on who you are..your blogs tell it all. Cheers to life!!

gypsy said...

Dwipen: ummm, thanks for dropping by. Hey, even i am still on the quest for who i am ;). Cheers to life indeed!!