Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mob fury

This is something i have been meaning to write about for quite some time now but it got buried under the mundane worries of life. i read this article in e-pao today- and it goaded me to pen this.

The last time i was home, i was flabbergasted when i watched the clipping on ISTV of meira paibis tearing down somebody’s house because he had committed a crime (what crime i don’t remember). It was arson, plain and simple. And the policemen stood around watching with nary a pretense of fending them off. i was dumbstruck. Why do we have the legal system? OK, it may be flawed but that does not justify taking the law in your hands, does it? It was painful to watch those women destroying things. Who are they to decide what punishment to mete out, even to people who have wronged?

This article left a bitter taste in the mouth.

Read this:
“Apart from substantially damaging the house, all the household properties of the family were taken to the ground of Irom Pukhri Mapal Social Club and set on fire.Even as the mob was dismantling the house, the grand father of Bungthoi came out and told the crowd that they can give whatever punishment they want to his grand son, but added that since the house was built by him (grandfather), those involved in the demolition should compensate.

Not surprisingly, this only added to the ire of the mob and the grandfather was physically assaulted and his house was also attacked.”

What is “not surprising” about it? i mean, is everyone condoning this? The man was right. Why would you punish the whole family for a crime committed by a single person? i know his crime was particularly heinous. But how could any civilized society behave in this way? For a crime committed by a single member, the whole family’s existence has been destroyed. Why?

It was also reported that the man has been executed by the “naharols”. Isn’t this punishment enough for the family? And no, i am not condoning this execution.

We seem to be a people going backwards in time. Sometimes, there is this overwhelming sense of sadness, as if you are watching something you love waste away. And this feeling of impotency. And angst. Impotent rage. So much have been said and written about the power of the individual. But i wonder what anyone could do about this? If i scream and rave, would i even get this into their heads?

If these self proclaimed “well-wishers” of the society are so concerned, why don’t they do something about the despicable way of things – the stinking rampant corruption, the load shedding, the quality of education… Why don’t they protest about these things? i know of one locality that has gone without power for 4 bloody months because a transformer got fused. Where were the meira-paibis then? If only people were interested in doing something constructive. If only..

Am i the only one who feels this way?


sadsadas said...

Perhaps,you are right.But, people in Manipur has forgotten that every abuser is son/daughter of someone.Rather than coming out to teach lesson to other they should learn to control their own family.Sometimes, they tend to forget they are also part of the society.If they behave themselves and also make their child behave everything will be good.Instead of trying to control their ward they believing in punishing other wards/family thinking that their wards behaviour is becoz of others.Far way to go.Too much pessimistic society.Now, this so-formed JAC will call General-Strike bringing hardship and loss to the whole state.Mark my word.

gypsy said...

Yes, you are right. Charity begins at home. The same people who will create a ruckus to punish a drunkard will turn a blind eye when someone in their family gets sozzled to the gills.

It seems like a new JAC gets formed every other day. We complain
about how we get the cold shoulder treatment from the central governmentbut we fail to realise that we are our own greatest enemy. It is a depressing situation which seems to get worse with each passing day. Such a beautiful place. Ruined by its people.

When i grew up, at least we did not have load shedding every other
day. We did not have such intolerance. How much sadder can it get when you have parents telling their kids "don't come back home, you are better off there"??

sadsadas said...

Manipur : God's Own Country ; Devils Owns People.

If you look at cities like Pune and Bangalore where lots of Manipuris are there you can find factions fighting on petty and small things ignoring the larger interests.Perhaps, the people itself is too much pessimistic and wherever they go and gather few of them.They are bound to create problems to other or themselves.:(

gypsy said...

That reminds me of the advice my uncle gave me when i came here for the first time. He said when it comes to manipuris the adage to follow is "United we fall, divided we stand"!. So very true.