Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ki je hoche

An exhausted mind and body. Nearly wilted after walking around in the sun looking for the ever elusive flat. i am so dead tired. i swear i will just buy the next one that strikes me as live-able. And on top of that you have the brokers who do not keep their words. Why are people so unpunctual? i cannot stand unpunctuality. i don’t believe in making other people wait and i expect the same from them. i was so damn pissed off the other day that i gave the guy a dressing down he will remember for some days to come.

Anyway, here i am, still flat-less. Exasperated. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa……..

i managed to finish “Germinal“by Emile Zola. A bit on the depressing side the way it ended but a nice tale of human emotions. i want to finish “Lord of the flies” but i don’t know why but the story depresses me. There is an oppressive air about it, the way everything hints at dark things to come. i know it is but a story. But sometimes, i think i tend to sink too deep into words.

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