Friday, August 25, 2006

She is back

Back. After a long time. Was too busy tying up loose ends to gather my thoughts.

The tournament was, well, enjoyable. We won one game and managed to lose two! And i still have my nazuk arms burned shades of dark brown to show for it just because i had to get up at 6 in the morning and could not find the sunscreen lotion. i am looking forward to the next season where, hopefully, i will be able to score runs galore.

We had a barbecue party last Friday at a client's place. Since we had to fix some more bugs, we could not leave on time. We were the last to get there and had to do with the little food that was left. The house. God, the house. We were all awestruck. It had an awesome view of the bay, a big swimming pool, a patio where i could have sat all day long and a kitchen fitted with everything, well almost everything, you could have asked for. i could go on and on, singing paeans of that house.

After a flurry of shopping, packing and unpacking, i finally managed to take the flight home. Since i always over-shop( if there is a word like that) before going back, i was stuck with two suitcases bigger and heavier than i. Since i cannot pack (i usually dump everything in the suitcase, close it and claim i have packed!), one of my friends did it for me. He is meticulous about packing, with the result that everything managed to be packed and stay packed. But the main problem always being the weight (the weight limit is just 32 kg per bag), we weighed and re-weighed and found out that it was like way over weight. i had leave behind another big suitcase crammed with all my stuffs, books and candles.

The flight was, as usual, tiring. Nth hours or so of just sitting there in that cramped seat is enough to make anyone crappy. Then there was the halt at Singapore - 9 hours. Good thing that Changi airport is one of the best airports ever. i chose a cozy corner, shaded by bamboo (yes, i jest not) and finished a book. i managed to get myself interested enough to go shopping for chocolates and knick-knacks. And landed here on a steamy night. And here i am, trying to get myself back into the groove. Amen.

1 comment:

echaandam said...

Welcome home.

For a coder, you write so well.

I immensely enloy reading all your posts.

Do keep on posting.

Now, you being so near here, can you resist not coming down all the way to Imphal?

We wonder.