Tuesday, September 03, 2013


The sister arrived yesterday with goodies for me and the elf. Now I have all the dried yendem, soibum, nga ayaiba, dried hawaizar and other stuffs from home to last me a lifetime! 

The elf is excited to have one more soul in the house to help him with his coloring and god knows what else and generally have someone to bully!

The potluck at work went off well - the red curry was much appreciated. We ate so much that we all were half asleep post  lunch. The joys of overeating.

Sunday, September 01, 2013


It is the middle of the night. I finished reading a thriller, with the elf insisting on using my arm as his pillow! 

I suddenly missed him -you know how it is like. You feel like you have to tell him how you feel so I mailed him instead...I am the kind who communicate better in writing...

Why is it that some women insist on being martyrs ( i don't know what is happening to my brain - I had to look up the spelling)..why do they think that they have no say, that being submissive is a virtue, that being a woman means you have to sacrifice, that suffering is your lot. Why? I am as equal, if not more superior than the guys around. Just because I don't have balls does not mean I am a lesser being... 

My eyelids are half closed as I type this. When I wake up, the sister would be here. To think he is just a few hours away - but it feels like he is light years away when I cannot touch him or wake up in the middle of the night and feel him lying next to me...but sometimes, you have to let go...to see him live his dreams is more important - or so I console myself. Actually, I should hate him...but I don't ... That is the tragedy of life-- I think...I am actually half asleep...